Tuesday, March 23, 2010

-Jury Duty Today

A few more shots of Soybean over at Thomas Prior's blog.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Monday, March 8, 2010

-House Of Mystery 26

House of Myster issue 26.
The upcoming story arc sounds really great. One thing that people might not think about is how far ahead the covers have to be done(in order to have an image for solicitations in catalogues etc..) So when an issue finally comes out, months have gone by. Often times I won't be sure what new characters will look like since the issue hasn't been drawn yet.

For instance, Fig, the main character whose sitting is wearing what she wore in issue 21.

Oil on board 12"x18".
A bit of burning and dodging in photoshop.

Monday, March 1, 2010

-Time Lapse

Here's a time-laspe of me painting the Blue Sky Noise album cover. The audio kicks in instantly and at full volume so mind the speaker icon before playing.

I'll put a more longer version up on youtube at some point. Special thanks to Matthew Taillon for his youtube speed painting page.
